Tag: programming courses

Cyber Security: Build-Up

Cyber security build-up course Advance your skills with topics such as vulnerability assessments, encryption, firewalls, incident response, and securing systems against evolving cyber threats.

GDPR: Data Protection (E)

GDPR: Data protection course Understand the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including data privacy rights, compliance requirements, lawful data processing, and strategies for protecting personal data in organizational contexts.

C++: Build-Up

C++ build up course Expand your knowledge with advanced topics like classes, inheritance, polymorphism, templates, and working with file I/O and complex data structures.

C++: Basics

C++ basics course Learn the fundamentals of C++ programming, including variables, data types, control structures, functions, and basic object-oriented concepts.

Python: Build-Up

Python build-up course Develop intermediate skills in Python, such as object-oriented programming, file handling, modules, and working with data structures like lists, dictionaries, and sets.

JAVA: Basics

JAVA basics course Learn the fundamentals of Java programming, including syntax, variables, control structures, and simple object-oriented programming concepts.

JAVA: Build-Up

JAVA build-up course Advance your Java skills by working with classes, inheritance, collections, file handling, and building small-scale applications.

JAVAScript: Basics

JAVAScript basics course Learn the core concepts of JavaScript, including syntax, variables, loops, functions, and DOM manipulation for interactive web development.

JAVAScript: Build-Up

JAVAScript build-up Enhance your skills with advanced topics such as asynchronous programming, APIs, ES6+ features, and building dynamic, responsive web applications.

Python: Basics

Python basics course Learn the fundamentals of Python programming, including variables, data types, control structures, functions, and basic libraries for simple coding tasks.